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In order for the CHR Program to provide the best possible services, it has been necessary to implement standardized transportation guidelines.

Priorities have been set to meet the needs of those patients who require CHR services because of lack of personal or family support, and who meet IHS eligibility requirements.

CHRs may be contacted in your area Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:00 PM, except holidays, as follows:



Omak: Quail Orr & Angela Rios: 422-7458, 7456

Inchelium: Pam Phillips & Anna Sandvig: 722-7019, 7020

Nespelem: Jim Norris & Joanne Gleason: 634-2942, 2938

Keller: Dianne Mellon:  634-2192



The GSA vehicles are used for ALL eligible IHS clients.  Transportation services are discretionary and are not considered a primary responsibility of CHRs.  Clients must have exhausted ALL other resources including assistance from family members before asking a CHR for transportation services.


 WIC Clients

WIC transportation may be available for scheduled HT/WT/DT, HCT or recertification. Phone the WIC office at least 24 hours in advance and request CHR services.  Coordination between CHR and WIC personnel is MANDATORY. Transportation on a case by case may be provided if the CHRs schedule allows.  All transportation rules apply.


Whether local or long distance transportation is needed, clients receiving DSHS assistance may be eligible for SPECIAL MOBILITY SERVICES.  Clients are required to utilize this service before calling the CHR program for assistance.  Medical coupons are used to reimburse volunteer drivers.  Call SPECIAL MOBILITY SERVICES for eligibility and pre-authorization information at 1-800-892-4817.



Transportation for non-health needs will not be considered.  IHS eligible clients must have a health-related need (i.e., doctor and/or dental appointment, medication refills, optometry appointment, etc.), to be eligible for transportation.


Clients with clinic appointments have first priority for CHR services.  Minor emergency care, follow-up appointments will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Wa1k-ins or last minute request may be denied if prior commitments cannot permit flexibility in the CHR schedule.

All requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance for local transport.  All long distance transport requests must be made at least one week in advance, two weeks preferable, because of the available seating room in the CHR vehicle.  Long distance transport requests must be pre-approved by the THP Manager.

Trips should NOT be made on a daily basis outside your immediate area, i.e., Omak staff should be going to Brewster no more than once per week.  Long distance transports to Spokane, Wenatchee, Seattle, etc., shall be limited to each CHR.  Again, clients are responsible for their meals, motel, and other expenses.

Clients who are confined to a wheelchair or otherwise incapacitated may be required to have someone available to lift him or her in and out of the car at transport stops, pick-ups and drop off.

Clients are to make child care arrangements in advance.  CHRs shall not provide child care services or transport children of clients.

Clients are responsible to provide for their own meals.  Side trips for non-medical appointment activities will not be provided.


  1. A client who is intoxicated or appears to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

  2. A client who is being held in jail or a juvenile facility.

  3. Minors under the age of 18 without a parent or guardian.

  4. Someone in need of emergency care that needs to be handled by EMTs.

  5. Clients who are emotionally or mentally disturbed who need to be transported by a mental health professional.


The CHR and all occupants of a GSA vehicle are to obey ALL TRAFFIC LAWS including the following regulations:

1. Fasten seat belt BEFORE the vehicle is to be driven.

2. Children under 30 lbs. Must be in an approved car seat provided by the parent.

3. Children over 30 lbs. must be in a seat belt.

4. Smoking is PROHIBITED in all GSA/Tribal vehicles.


The CHR's have the right to RESTRICT OR DENY client's service for up to 3 months if one of the incidents listed below have occurred:

  1. Client who is intoxicated or appear to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

  2. Client use of offensive/threatening language, or is otherwise disruptive.  

  3. ANY means of working transportation that is available to the client whether family, relative, or friend and they refuse to use them as a resource of transportation (exhaust all means).

  4. Client is not at home for scheduled transport and client has already gone by other means of transportation and did not inform the CHR.

  5. Client canceled the appointment and failed to inform the CHR ahead of time.

  6. Client missed three (3) or more scheduled and/or rescheduled appointments.



A client can contact the THP Manager in person or in writing to report any claim of illegal vehicle operation, unprofessional conduct of the CHR, misuse of tribal time, equipment, and/or material while transporting a CHR client.

All complaints will be evaluated by the THP Manager, who will make the final decision in regard to action taken.


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Last modified: May 31, 2002